Introduction to the basic laws and techniques for the analysis of electric circuits. Calculation of the response of circuits with resistors, independent sources, controlled sources, and operational amplifiers. The transient analysis of basic circuits with R, L, and C components. An introduction to AC analysis and phasors.
- Voltage and current, the 2-terminal device, power concept
- Ohm’s law, sources, KCL, KVL, dependent sources
- Resistors: series, parallel, voltage and current dividers, measurements
- Mesh and node equations
- Thevenin and Norton equivalents (DC)
- Superposition, duality, and reciprocity
- Energy storage elements (L and C), combinations
- First order circuits (RL and RC)
- Second order circuits (RLC), step and general responses
- Introduction to phasors, with basic circuit equations
- Operational amplifiers as ideal element