Teaching at UMass Lowell
Noah P. Allen

Currently Offered Teachable Courses
Electrical & Computer Engineering Department
  • EECE.1000 - Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering (Formerly 16.100)
  • EECE.1070 - Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering (Formerly 25/16.107)
  • EECE.2010 - Circuit Theory I (Formerly 16.201)
  • EECE.2020 - Circuit Theory II (Formerly 16.202)
  • EECE.2070 - Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory I (Formerly 16.207)
  • EECE.2080 - Basic Electrical Engineering Lab II (Formerly 16.208)
  • EECE.2110 - Fundamentals of Electricity I (Formerly 16.211/213)
  • EECE.2120 - Fundamentals of Electricity Laboratory (Formerly 16.212)
  • EECE.2160 - ECE Application Programming (Formerly 16.216)
  • EECE.2650 - Logic Design (Formerly 16.265)
  • EECE.3110 - Electronics I Lab (Formerly 16.311)
  • EECE.3170 - Microprocessors Systems Design I (Formerly 16.317)
  • EECE.3650 - Electronics I (Formerly 16.365)
  • EECE.4230 - Introduction to Solid State Electronics (Formerly 16.423)
  • EECE.4700 - VLSI Fabrication (Formerly 16.470)
  • EECE.4730 - Power Electronics (Formerly 16.473/515)
  • EECE.4740 - Principles Of Solid State Devices (Formerly 16.474)
  • EECE.5150 - Power Electronics (Formerly 16.473/515)
  • EECE.5230 - Introduction to Solid State Electronics (Formerly 16.523)1
  • EECE.5950 - Solid State Electronics (Formerly 16.595)1
  • EECE.6690 - Opto Electronic Devices (Formerly 16.669)1
  • ETEC.1300 - Electrical Basics and Laboratory (Formerly 17.130)
  • ETEC.1310 - Electronic Basics and Laboratory (Formerly 17.131)
  • ETEC.1320 - Digital Basics and Laboratory (Formerly 17.132)
  • ETEC.2130 - Electric Circuits I (Formerly 17.213)
  • ETEC.2160 - Circuits IV (Formerly 17.216)
  • ETEC.3410 - Logic Design I and Laboratory (Formerly 17.341)
  • ETEC.3420 - Logic Design II and Laboratory (Formerly 17.342)1

1 It has been some time since using material but could ultimately be taught

Proposed Courses
Semiconductor Material/Device Characterization

Lecture-based course where students would apply theory learned in EECE 3650 to understand how to measure and analyze real semiconductor devices such as diodes or transistors. The course would start with the basic measurement and extraction of electrical device parameters and work toward measuring and understanding possible causes of non-idealities through semiconductor material characterization. Students will come away from the course knowing the significance of specific instruments such as source-measurement units, impedance analyzers, electron microscopes, and optical components to effectively characterize semiconductor devices and materials.

Select List of Proposed Course Topics
  • Review of Basic Semiconductor Physics
  • Basic Equipment Communication and Programming
  • Electrical Characterization
    • Current-Voltage
    • Capacitance-Voltage
    • Temperature Measurements
    • Hall
  • Optical Characterization
    • Optical Equipment and Components
    • Photoluminescence
    • Steady-State Photocapacitance
  • Material Characterization
    • Atomic Force Microscopy
    • Electron Microscope (SEM and TEM)
    • X-Ray Spectroscopy (XRD, XPS)
    • Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS)
    • Rutherfor Backscattering

[SEMINAR] Electronic Defect Characterization in Semiconductors

Present techniques on measuring and analyzing trapping defects in semiconductors by deep-level transient spectroscopy (DLTS), steady-state photocapacitance (SSPC), and photoluminescence (PL).

[SEMINAR] Cryogenic Material Characterization

Introduce concepts related to creating/maintaining a vacuum chamber and measuring semiconductor material and devices at cryogenic temperatures.

[SEMINAR] Using LabVIEW to Automate Measurements

Review LabVIEW programming methods used to communicate with newer and older research equipment to automate the measurement taking process. Some topics on data analysis and visualization would also be covered.